In Genesis 37, we read about how Joseph was wronged by his brothers. Joseph’s brothers committed a grave crime against him. Fueled by jealousy and hatred they initially plotted to kill him. On Reuben’s intervention they decided to leave him in a pit to die. And on Judah’s suggestion they sold him to the Ishmaelites for 20 shekels of silver. This was a deliberate, planned, crime committed against an innocent man.
The Bible does not talk about Joseph’s brother feeling remorse for their evils deeds. It is only when the famine drove them out of Canaan to Egypt, many years later, that they come face to face with Joseph and realize their mistake
. However, God used their very mistake, wrongdoing, and if I may be so bold as to say their “sin” to bless them.
Little did they know that as they were selling Joseph to the Ishmaelites, they were sending him off on a path to be their deliverer in future?
In Genesis 45:7, Joseph tells his brothers, “But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives for a great deliverance.”
What a gracious God we serve! He gently and kindly lead Joseph’s brothers to a place of repentance and reconciliation by turning their sin into a door of deliverance! Yes, Joseph suffered the consequences of his brothers’ poor choices but as he yielded to the mighty hand of God – God used it to bless Joseph and his brothers. Joseph's decision to forgive his brothers was the key that unlocked this door of grace in their lives.
Have you thought, said or done something that you should not have? Are you fretting over something? If you have been burdened by the weight of your mistakes, wrong doings, poor choices – can you take a moment to submit them to God? In His grace and sovereignty, God can use your very mistakes to bless you.
About the Author:
Wife to Danston, Mridula is a worshipper and a teacher in the body of Christ. She works in the field of data analytics and consulting in the pharmaceutical domain. She hails from Darjeeling, India and needless to say loves her Darjeeling tea!
Liberating !
Thank you Mridula, for the deep insight into the heart of God .