My heart and mind could not wrap itself around the sight of people in China collapsing, and the news of a virus that came out of nowhere paralysing the whole world.
It seemed as if watching the NEWS, hearing devastatingly hopeless reports had numbed me into insensitivity. I could not react appropriately.
But the truth remains:
I am God’s breath. I exist because God breathe life into me (Genesis 2:7).
“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”.
COVID-19 attacks the respiratory system. It is a direct attack on what makes man in essence, an image of God himself. When COVID19 attacks, it takes away God’s breath from man.
When the breath of life is gone, man dies.
How do I react appropriately as a Kingdom citizen?
I am currently safe. Snuggled away in a cozy home and surrounded by loved ones around me.
I had to intentionally seek the Lord as I know HE is sovereign and HE knew about the deaths even before they happened. I said “intentionally” because I could easily succumb to apathy (not to care about what’s happening around me, as it’s not happening to me).

After the lockdown was announced, my pastor announced that all church members were to have a time of worship (every Sunday) and prayer (every Wednesday) in their homes. With this announcement, the phrase “The Church has left the building” suddenly has a whole new meaning, an extra zing and zeal to it! Businesses, work places, schools, religious gatherings, entertainment centres, meet ups, hang out places, prayer meetings, plans and programmes are shut down – Cancelled.
But the Kingdom of God was built more so for a time such as this!
Now is the time for the church to take hold of her right of friendship with God, to plead, to negotiate, to intercede on behalf of humanity just like God’s friend – Abraham, did. (Genesis 18:16-33)
Now is the time for the church to fast and pray for deliverance. Queen Esther called upon the Jews to fast for 3 days and night as she approached the king for the deliverance of the Jews from death(Esther 4:16). We have a bigger role than that of queen Esther. Our plea should not just be for the Jews, or for believers, but also for those who are unsaved because Christ died for them too (1 Timothy 2:1-6).
Now is the time for the church to hold up the arms of our leaders as they battle this unrelenting virus until the war is over, just like Aaron and Hur did. Each had stood by Moses sides, holding his arm steady until the sun went down and the Amalekites were defeated (Exodus 17:12-14).
Now is the time to repent face down before God and cast ourselves wholly under the mercy of our Creator, just like king David did (2 Samuel 12:1-14, Psalm 51:1).
Now is the time for the Jeremiahs, the Isaiahs, and the Deborahs of the Church to speak boldly for God (Jeremiah 2, Isaiah 1:20, Judges 4, 5 and many other verses), plead HIS case and proclaim HIS name.
Now is the time for the Habakkuks in the church to raise the voices of praise and worship, “For even if the fig trees does not bud and no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the field produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, YET I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour”(Habakkuk 3:17-18)
Now is the time for the church to step up and step out to pour ourselves out for the hungry and to be there for the afflicted (Isaiah 58:10, James 2:14-18, 1 John 3:17-18). Ten of thousands migrant workers, daily wage workers, the poor and homeless are out of income, shelter and basic necessities. Now is the time for the church to deliver.
A virus has decided to bring havoc to our lives and permeate fear all over the world. Though every activity around us has been cancelled and life has come to a standstill, the saints are still on the move. Kingdom of God is advancing and the movement is gaining momentum!
The Church is built for a time such as this. The essence of God will not be obliterated. HIS presence will be felt all around the world where HIS saints operate in spirit and in truth. We will not be shaken because we have set the Lord always before us, and HE is at our right hand. Pick up your armour Church and move. Much love and prayers, Coretta Christy

Coretta Christy is a mission mobilizer.
She left the software engineering field to pursue on God's heartbeat which is to take the gospel to the unreached.
She has served in Cambodia for more than 4 years and is now actively mobilising the church in India to send missionaries to the unreached.