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Mridula Pradhan

An Upside Down Kingdom

I was asking the Lord what I should write for this week's blog and He dropped this message into my heart yesterday. And I think it is very apt not only because it is Easter season (or Resurrection Sunday - as some of you may call it) but also that it is a very unique Easter.

Now, if you are wondering where I am going with this, I want to share with you on the power of a surrendered life.

Surrender and power. These are 2 words that don't go together. In battle, the losing side surrenders. Since childhood, we are taught that we need to fight to survive. Academics is characterized by cut-throat competition. Corporate world rewards the aggressive. The world as we know it has no place for people who surrender. It is considered a sign of weakness.

However, in the Bible, we see that the biggest decision Jesus made was in the garden of Gethsemane where he surrendered himself to the Father. Jesus chose to do the Father's will instead of His own.

God's principles oppose common sense and logic. Per kingdom law "the last shall be the first", "giving is better than receiving", "enemies are to be blessed" and "the road to a powerful life starts with surrender". In the kingdom, survival of the fittest is replaced by survival of the meekest.

Even as I type, I know someone needs to read this.

If you want to be filled - empty yourself completely today!

If you want to live fully - learn to die to self!

If you want to be used by God in power - surrender!

The analogy of a broken horse.

Breaking a horse is the practice of training him to be ridden. Wild horses are independent and free spirited. As appealing as they look they cannot be ridden. Breaking is an uncomfortable experience for a horse. The process of breaking teaches him to surrender.

Surrender his independence. Surrender his will. An unbroken or a partially broken horse puts its riders in danger. While a well broken horse is obedient. It responds to the slightest movement of the reins, a click or even a word.

In Mathew 4, we see that just before Jesus started his public ministry, "He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil". I believe this is the breaking experience that Jesus went through where he practiced complete dependence on the Word alone. Being God, he had every opportunity and right to prove Himself. Yet he let go of it.

If complete surrender looked like the cross. Complete power has got to look like something. I leave it for you to imagine what living a life of power means to you. Just remember Jesus died so that you live to the fullest.

As for me, I know Peter's shadow healed the sick. Paul and Silas' praise broke prison chains. Philip's words revealed God to the Ethiopian eunuch. Paul's prayer brought the dead back to life. Why should I settle for anything less?



About the Author:

Wife to Danston, Mridula is a worshiper and a teacher in the body of Christ.

She works in the field of data analytics and consulting in the pharmaceutical domain.

She hails from Darjeeling, India and needless to say loves her Darjeeling tea!

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